Week 1 of 2023 has been an absolute joy! Our learners are loving being back at school and they have settled into their classrooms with ease. I give the teachers and the learners themselves credit for this. The teachers – the time they put into preparing the learning and classroom environments has meant that everything is organised, engaging and fun. The learners – for having enthusiasm for learning and being open to getting to know their new classmates. 2023 is going to be a wonderful year!
As reported by the media there is potential for a cyclone to hit Auckland Sunday or early next week. As a school we will be following Ministry of Education guidance. Should we need to communicate any information or decisions we will do so via email. The information will then also appear on our school website and school app.
Some things you could do to ensure your whānau are prepared:
- Tie down and store away anything loose and might be picked up by the wind (incl rubbish bins)
- Ensure you have water and food supplies for a 2-3 days
- Charge your phones and keep a power bank fully charged in case of power cut
- Have a preparedness pack with a first aid kit, battery-powered torches and a battery-powered radio
- Have a list of key contact numbers for emergencies including neighbours and vulnerable relatives
Please note change to end of year finish date – our 2023 school year will finish at 12pm on Tuesday 19th December.
The Family and Friends group is a very important part of our community as they are integral in the connection between home and school. This group have fun organising fundraising events where the funds they make go towards improving our environment for all of our learners. Please consider being part of this fun group. For our first meeting of the year we are going to trial a new time…..we hope to see as many caregivers as possible attend.
What: F&F Meeting – all welcome
When: 2.15 pm Tuesday 15th February
Where: Meet Sarina Davies at the PAC (Performing Arts Centre)
If you have any questions or would like to know more please contact Sarina Davies: sdavies@alfriston.school.nz
We need your “Green Fingers”
After a long holiday and some extreme weather, our school garden needs a bit of attention. We have a small group of wonderful and regular helpers who could really do with some help from you our school whānau. If you are able to spare some time to help please meet in the garden by the swimming pool on Friday at 8.45am.
Bring your gardening gloves!
On Wednesday 15th February we would like all whānau to attend one of our two ‘Setting Up for Success’ sessions. A session will start at 3pm and another at 5pm.
The sessions will start in the PAC with Senior Leadership members sharing important whole-school information. At the end of this time, whānau can go to their child’s class where each teacher will share information specific to their class.
This is an event we ask you to prioritise
as it will really set us up for a successful 2023.
As mentioned in our previous newsletter communication is a priority and we are committed to working with all whānau to ensure our learners achieve to their full potential.
In 2023 the communication platforms we will use are: Email, School Website, School app, Phone and Face to Face.
All newsletters (class, team and school) will be emailed and will be visible on our school website and app.
Class teachers will email caregivers – whole class or individual communication.
Schoolwide updates/notices will be sent out via the school app, and occasionally as a text message.
The best form of communication is ‘face to face’. We hope to see you in school often so that we can have informal conversations which are so valuable for both the staff and caregivers.
What do we need you to do?
1) Ensure we have an accurate, up to date email for you
2) Download our school app

We will not be using Seesaw this year. Learning will be shared via newsletters (class, team and school) and a ‘Home / School Partnership Communication’ twice a term.
Welcome to our New Learners
Reiko Aitcheson, Kiaan Chopra, Jake Ahn, Amaara Surplis, Krishiv Sharma, Luna Delgado-Sharplin, Ella Delgado-Sharplin, Kasey Holdem, Tyler Holdem, Sanjam Khanna, Summer Jane, Ellie Banh, Louis Bui, Leo Wu, Mairah Jambhulkar, Zahroon Khan, Yuna Asami., Evan Ellington
Leonard Oakley, Jarrett Hinderegger, Prabhbir Jador, Pearl Bhamra, Jasper Pene, Agaaz Singh, Jaskyn Kaur, Pearl Kaur, Esther Bishop-Lematua, Amanjot Kaur, Braxton Bishop-Lematua, Axel Feagaimalii, Gurjas Marwaha, Maiya Patel, Daniel Singh. Tarneet Kaur, Mylan Aitcheson, Kiaan Chopra, Zahroon Khan, Tatiana Nordstrand, Shiloh Tavita, Brooklyn Nash, Melissa Di, Reiko Aitcheson, Yuna Asami, Ayaan Mohammed, Liana Dole, Jivas Khanna, Anaiya Bandhara, Marko Jackson, Vinny Tagaloa, Jaanki Nath, Ranveer Jeet, Brycen Squire
Tuesday 7 February – Thursday 6 April
Monday 24 April – Friday 30 June
Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Monday 9 October – Tuesday 19 December
Teacher Only Days
1st and 2nd of February, Monday 24th April, other dates may be added (TBC)
School hours:
We ask that all learners be at school by 8.30am each day to prepare for their school day.
8.45am: Learning starts
10.15am – 10.45am: Morning tea break
12.30pm – 1.15pm: Lunch break
2.45pm: School finishes
Gates remain open until 3.15pm daily 