As mentioned in our previous newsletter communication is a priority and we are committed to working with all whānau to ensure our learners achieve to their full potential.
In 2023 the communication platforms we will use are: Email, School Website, School app, Phone and Face to Face.
All newsletters (class, team and school) will be emailed and will be visible on our school website and app.
Class teachers will email caregivers – whole class or individual communication.
Schoolwide updates/notices will be sent out via the school app, and occasionally as a text message.
The best form of communication is ‘face to face’. We hope to see you in school often so that we can have informal conversations which are so valuable for both the staff and caregivers.
What do we need you to do?
1) Ensure we have an accurate, up to date contact information for you
2) Download our school app
We will not be using Seesaw this year. Learning will be shared via newsletters (class, team and school) and a ‘Home / School Partnership Communication’ twice a term.