Term 4 is an exciting term – the weather usually improves allowing for more outdoor activities and we have many opportunites to celebrate the progress and achievement of our wonderful ākonga (learners).
Earlier in the year we created Alfriston School’s vision after consultation with all stakeholders in our community: ‘A community of learners supporting each other to ensure everyone reaches their full potential.’
I challenge all community members (learners and adults) to embrace and demonstrate our school vision by prioritising our Term 4 celebrations and events. Come along to not only celebrate your child’s success but also the success of others and to acknowledge the work that our learners and staff have put in to 2023.
I know people can be busy therefore I have selected my ‘top three priorities’ for attendance:
Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th of October: Three Way Conferences following distribution of our 2023 Progress Reports.
Monday 11th of December: Time to Shine Picnic and Concert 4.30-7.30pm on the field.
Friday 15th of December: End Of Year Prize Givings (Tupu Tahi Team 9.00am, Whanaungatanga Team 11am, Kotahitanga Team 1pm).
In the meantime, have a great school break and as I always say….stay safe!
See you on Monday the 9th of October 🙂
Harvey Orec, Suzie Montgomerie, Nirav Singh, Wendy Shao, Cormack Douglas and Fiona Naivaluvou (absent)
Gear Share App: Watch (link)

What exciting news! Our App. Development team “Gear Share” was awarded first place this week at the Front Foot Award Ceremony. They came first out of 39 entries. The learners are very proud of their efforts and of course the win!
They have won $2000 for the school and a gift card each.
A big thank you to Paul Firth for providing such a rich opportunity for our learners and to Mr Wallis for being the lead teacher in the project. We love that our learners are able to be divergent thinkers across a range of authentic contexts.
Video Library – Having Fun at School
Assembly – kapa haka
In the past, we have provided learners with a report at the very end of the year. This year however learners will receive their 2nd Progress and Achievement Report at the beginning of Term 4. The reason for this is so that we have the time to discuss your child’s next steps with you and then to spend time working on these before your child moves on to a new teacher and new year level.
The written reports will be sent home on Tuesday 24th of October and Three Way Conferences will be the following two days, Wednesday 25th, and Thursday 26th of October. We ask that all whānau attend these meetings and that the learner is present.
Alfriston School continues to evaluate and review systems and processes and makes changes in the best interests of our learners.
Parent-teacher interviews: Booking details will be available soon.
UNIFORM Reminders
Hats! Hats! Hats! Hats!
Are you ready for Term 4?
We ask that caregivers support us by ensuring our uniform expectations are followed. A few reminders:
- Learners are to wear plain black shoes to school.
- The only jewellery items to be worn are a watch, stud earrings and if required an item of cultural significance (this should be discussed with Mrs Cook or Mrs Galvin).
- Additional layers of clothing under our uniform for warmth should be grey in colour.
- Hair below the collar is tied up using black, brown, white or navy hair ties.
The learners in Whanaungatanga have been working hard in their classes and would like to celebrate their successes with you.
During literacy, we have been researching important New Zealanders who have helped change New Zealand’s history. We have researched people like Kate Shepherd, Peter Blake, Sir Edmund Hillary, and many many more.
In Maths, we have been learning about Fractions and exploring them in real-life scenarios. We now know the difference between a Numerator and a Denominator! Great problem-solving Whanaungatanga!
Finally, during Inquiry, we have been reflecting on our own legacy at Alfriston School. We have been exploring the impact our actions have on others both today and in the future. Be prepared to see some beautiful Tui creations around the school soon…
Last week the Whanaungatanga learners went to MOTAT as part of their Inquiry into New Zealand History. We explored the amazing historical exhibits and learned about the important change-makers in our past. We even got to see a working steam motor in the original Auckland waterworks!
The highlight of the day for many of us was the ride on an old Wellington City Tram. The seats were a little uncomfortable but the journey was lots of fun. Overall the whole day was a great experience and we all had an awesome time.
Brody Morgan, Mikaiah Hall, Rosa Ferre Sales Torres, Siena Wang, Toa Jador, Lochlan Thamoontree, Rico Bryers, Cullum Fisher, Keanu Loke, James Orec, Zephaniah Naivaluvou, Eknoor Singh, Tyler Holdem, Armaandeep Singh, Krishiv Sharma, Rebecca Chen, Adnaan Mohammed, Jagjot Gill, Ayrton Chung, Matthew Di, Sophia Hansen, Jonty Davies, Layla Hansen, Reet Sidhu, Marley Rees-Watene, Taran Chohan, Mason Taliauli, Evelyn Khor, Grace Southgate, Nora Redfern, Emma Finlayson, Ishveen Kaur
No new learners this week.
Monday 24th Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 25th April – Friday 30 June
Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Monday 9 October – Tuesday 19 December
Teacher Only Day
Monday 13th November (School is closed to learners)
School Hours:
We ask that all learners be at school by 8.30am each day to prepare for their school day.
8.45am: Learning starts
10.15am – 10.45am: Morning tea break
12.30pm – 1.15pm: Lunch break
2.45pm: School finishes
No Dogs allowed on the school site
