We are now at the end of a very busy and successful term. Learners have been settled and teachers have been focussed on ensuring that students are happy and engaged in their learning. This term teachers and learners have been engaged in several amazing authentic learning experiences across the teams where learners have been able to make learning connections to the world in an authentic context e.g Zoo, Camp, Jnr. Breakfast, Science Roadshow, Totora Park and the museum to mention just a few.
To our parents and whānau, it is wonderful to see you in our school and thank you for taking part in the many events and opportunities we offer here at Alfriston School. The learners love seeing their parents/whānau involved and this helps to strengthen our positive home/school partnership.
Today we say farewell to Mrs Sarah Locket who is leaving Alfriston and moving to Christchurch so she can be closer to her family and friends. Mrs Lockett has been an integral part of our school culture, teaching as both a classroom teacher and most recently a specialist teacher in Dance, Drama and Music. The Learners love attending these sessions with her. We wish Sarah the absolute best!
To all whānau, have a safe and happy holiday break, stay safe and we look forward to another busy and exciting term 2.
Online Safety for Learners
Children are accessing online platforms at a younger age, and it is never too early to begin having good conversations about and implementing online safety measures. With the number of platforms available to young learners and the ease at which they can be accessed is changing at an alarming rate. It order for parents to be familiar with and well informed we have arranged and online webinar on Thursday 30th May with the organisation Netsafe.
We strongly encourage all parents/caregivers to attend.
This is a free webinar for our parent community is about how to keep young people safer online.
Whānau and Community Presentation
In this presentation, Netsafe Education and Schools Team cover key online safety messages for parents and whānau. They provide information and tools to support tamariki in navigating online environments and safely managing the challenges and risks.
- Quick starter tips for parents, whānau and young people
- Information to enhance your digital parenting knowledge
- Details about the online risks and challenges your child may face
- Advice about how you can help your child if something goes wrong online

Lucas Lee, Lucy Wright, Zion Naivaluvou, Chase Wilkinson, Gurbani Atwal, Liv Stewart, Layla Tsai, Siara Raj, Sukhmeet Sidhu, Stella Hutton, Joseph Tavita, Khalia Donohue, Jaita Singh, Tisya Singh, Sienna Chapman, Vincent Callaghan, Abhijot Sangha, Augustine Oakley, Winter Tan, Sarah Samut, Kacey Clark, Rajbir Bhullar, Vanshika Bains, Smayan Patlori, Kyle Kernohan.