As many of you will know I have been overseas for the past month attending a few international education conferences, visiting overseas schools and having some holiday time too. The time away was so valuable, I have come back buzzing (even more than normal), enthusiastic to share my learning and commited to my role as Principal of Alfriston School.
There was a lot of learning in areas such as A.I. technologies, facilitation skills and strategies, deimplementation…..and so much more. But one of the most interesting learnings is that we are not alone – the challenges we are facing in our NZ schools are similar to schools all around the world.
I’m sure you will all be well aware of the ongoing announcements and decisions being made by our government in regards to education. Pause has been pushed on many previous changes and new priorities have been announced. We are in a period of transition however here at Alfriston School we remain focused on what we know works for our learners at this point in time. We are always commited to utilising effective teaching approaches, prioritising core learning areas but ensuring learners have the opportunity to experience and excel in other areas also and use assessment tools that provide use with information to measure progress and determine learner’s next steps.
Your children are in good hands and we will always make decisions in the best interests of our learners.
Three Way Conferences is an opportunity for each learner to spend time with their teacher and whānau celebrating their progress and setting goals for the future. These meetings are a very important part of our home/school partnership and we are aiming for 100% attendance.
Learner progress and achievement reports will be sent home with your child/children on 30th May.
Three-way conferences will be held on:
Tuesday 4th June 12:45pm – 6:45pm
Thursday 6th June 3:15pm – 4:45pm
Please follow the attached link and code to book your time.
Code: 3zzhv
Online Safety for Learners
Children are accessing online platforms at a younger age, and it is never too early to begin having good conversations about and implementing online safety measures. With the number of platforms available to young learners and the ease at which they can be accessed is changing at an alarming rate. It order for parents to be familiar with and well informed we have arranged and online webinar on Thursday 30th May with the organisation Netsafe.
We strongly encourage all parents/caregivers to attend.
This is a free webinar for our parent community is about how to keep young people safer online.
Whānau and Community Presentation
In this presentation, Netsafe Education and Schools Team cover key online safety messages for parents and whānau. They provide information and tools to support tamariki in navigating online environments and safely managing the challenges and risks.
- Quick starter tips for parents, whānau and young people
- Information to enhance your digital parenting knowledge
- Details about the online risks and challenges your child may face
- Advice about how you can help your child if something goes wrong online

Family and Friends Events
Lakana Meas, Ava Adams, Gufateh Singh, Linda Simon, Savreet Kaur, Vashnie Pahalu, Gurjot Kaur, Navsimrat Bhullar, Ashton Lewis, Kiran Truman, Amber Virk
Ella IP, Oliver WRIGHT, Marley AUPA’AU, Amelia HA, LT Jador, Julia HA, Harmony NGAMOTU, Gurfateh Pratap SINGH.