Roadworks Update


Information received: Next Monday they will place chipseal on the section in front of the school , this is great , however we have had a few delays on the project due to unforeseen findings in ground conditions which has resulted in an increase in programme. We are targeting for 22 February completion at this stage.

Not the news we were hoping for, however we have worked together superbly. The traffic is flowing much better and most importantly our learners are safe.

While the roadworks continue we’ll continue to ask for your support with the following:
1. Staggered pick up in the afternoon – Yr 4-8 caregivers coming after 2.45pm, closer to 3.00pm
2. Kiss and Go Lane – please go right to the end of the lane (by the give way sign) before stopping to let your child(ren) out. When people stop at earlier points it creates a backlog of traffic out onto the road
3) In the afternoon (Pick up) people coming along Mill Road from Papakura direction need to go to the roundabout and then come into school with a left hand turn.
4) In the afternoon (Pick up) we ask everyone to turn left onto Mill Road. If we are consistent with this the traffic flows much better.

Things like this show what a great community we have – everyone working together in the best interests of our learners…….thank you!

Carla Cook (Principal)