Tena koutou Alfriston School Whanau,
You will know that a number of our teaching staff will be joining thousands of other teachers around Aotearoa tomorrow, (16th March), as they strike for one day in the hope the government will improve working conditions for teachers and principals, which affect children’s learning conditions. I want to make it clear that the Alfriston School Board supports their efforts as they strive for the best possible experiences for our tamariki. Kei te tautoko ana mātou i ō rātou auporo – we wholeheartedly lend our weight behind what they are doing and why.
Our non-union staff are able to safely maintain the running of our school for the day, which may include the combining of some classes.
This in no way diminishes the fact that I and the rest of the Board are committed to ensuring all of our Alfriston School staff are treated fairly and equitably.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Naku noa na,
Stu Hunter